Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Wait til mum comes home

This was in our old house when my young master was a teenager. As you can see........he enjoyed his teenage years. He's got his own place now, not far away............he gets my mistress round to clean every week. He's a clever little sod. He twists my mum/mistress round his little finger. Sometimes I stay overnight with him, when my mum goes away for the night for a shag, and then the young master plays his music, which I enjoy. I am His Masters Voice sort of a dog really.......You've got to be quite old to remember that.
My mum's quite old, tho she doesn't look it...she's 60. I'm thinking of investing in a new model. Don't tell her.


I love wagging my tail I do

Cos I'm a happy dog. My mum gives me strokes and kisses and cuddles all day. Nobody can believe I'm 14. I still race around the park, but when I'm at home nowadays I like to sleep a lot. My Mum does too. She turns the phones off and pretends she's out. She doesn't answer the door either. I used to bark when the doorbell rang, but seeing as my mistress can't be arsed to answer it, I've decided I can't be arsed to bark anymore. This is how we work together as a team.
I don't know why we've got a doorbell really. I call it the cuss bell. When someone has the temerity to ring it, my mistress goes "Who the fucks that?......tell 'em to piss off"....forgetting I can't speak humanoid. Although she tells people I can...She swears I can say "I love you". It's a bit sad. Cos all I'm doing is clearing my throat in a doggy kind of way. But don't tell her.


Saturday, May 28, 2005

These two pix were taken in the same place on Wimbledon Common

What a difference a season makes. See Flora wading thru the water-filled grassland.
Then Flora's gone.....and left us with a rainbow.


Mummy cried today

when she saw this pic of me with lovely Flora, my old friend that I used to sleep on top of.
br>Flora was funny. Like all labs, she loved the water. But she was more amphibious than most. She used to pretend to drown.

Look at the crazy pooch........fishing for sticks.

I miss my Flore

When Nasty Nick tried to strangle me

It's Big Bruv time. So here's the UK's most famous Big Bro housemate. Our neighbour Nasty Nick Bateman.


Friday, May 27, 2005

Ooh lovely...the suns out

I'm going to be lazing in the sun today, instead of lazing in the house. They say it's a dogs life.
Good innit?