I've got a terror of cats since I was attacked by three at a friend's house, so my mum/mistress thought this pic might alleviate the stress that I get each time I see a moggy.
She took this pic in Sante Fe when she was on a trip to see 'Crossing Over' psychic John Edward.
She had popped across to Sante Fe for the day from Albuquerque, where the John Edwards seminar was taking place.
Yes the mad woman flew ten thousand miles to see him, thinking there would be an audience of about 200. Instead there were THREE THOUSAND. The tickets were $100 a head!! She was made to join a ridiculous queue that wound round the block for blocks! Did I mention that my mum doesn't do queues?...she does it the continental way.......barge up to the front.......or flash her Press Card.
She was supposed to be interviewing the great man, but the organisation was a total shambles and she never got to meet him in person. His loss:)
But even though she was sitting in the back section, she got an important message from her brother who drowned 44 years ago. She also met a great couple...a police chief, canine section, whose wife Shawna is a llama farmer in Oklahoma. Can you believe John Edwards called out, "Does anyone here breed prize-winning llamas?" My mum's new friend nearly fell off her chair.
check out Shawna's website
And Mistress Cherri also met a real live descendant of a legendary Indian Chief (native american, or first nation to the PC brigade) in the hotel bar.
So that was a feather in her cap.
She said she'd post pics when she finds them
Travel broadens the address book